Saturday, 14 June 2008

Heading South

Mbeki's failures are damaging not his own country, but its neighbours, too!

As Zimbabwe disintegrates, the country that could have done much to halt the brutalities and avert the chaos stands by in shameful silence. South Africa's failure to curb Mr Mugabe's excesses is a terrible indictment of its leadership. But it is also a warning. South Africa itself is in trouble. The powerhouse of Africa is running out of power.

Mr Mbeki has only himself to blame for the deepening pessimism. His aloofness and refusal to accept a third candidate led to the ANC's reckless endorsement of Mr Zuma. His bizarre policies on Aids, misguided reward of political loyalty above government competence, tolerance of corruption and myopia over Zimbabwe have weakened South Africa and lowered its global standing. The economy may muddle through. But now, more than ever, the continent needs confident, cohesive and clear leadership in southern Africa. There is little sign of this in Pretoria.

For those of whatever colour creed and religion, who have a deep rooted passion for this wonderful continent called Africa, we are watching helpless as we slide over the precipice.

To all those in the ANC who fought an oppressor to gain a democracy, make all your hard work and determination worth something! Otherwise, in years to come history will say that between the ANC, SADC, the African Union and the United Nations, in an age of information, when this wart on the face of humanity was being played out before their very eyes, they had jointly and severally done sweet F-all!

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