Saturday, 22 December 2007

Black Economic Empowerment in South Africa

Mandela always knew that without the co-operation of whites “we will have problems in this country and that is why we are so keen to give them guarantees that the changes we are demanding are not going to mean domination of whites by blacks".

South Africa must use the skills of whoever can move them forward - either black or white. If the whites have the skills use them

Monday, 17 December 2007

South Africa

The current situation with the ANC in South Africa worries me. Perhaps it was always too good to be true!

When SA gained its first free elections and democracy in 1994, people of all colours stood proudly together, many queuing for hours at Polling Stations throughout South Africa.

It seemed very surprising to many whites that there was no blood on the streets, as they knew this hard fought democracy had been obtained, from the immoral years of white rule (UK and South African). At the time, some white South Africans left the country for several reasons. Some wanted what they saw as a better life in another country; others admit that they were in such fear that they wanted to avoid the anticipated bloodbath. Why were they worried? Was it that some had enjoyed the benefits of Apartheid, knowing it was wrong? What would I do if the roles had been reversed, would I have the same compassion for the oppressor? But many of these wonderful people forgave the past - could I have done the same?

In May 2006, Archbishop Desmond Tutu said that white South Africans should be more grateful for forgiveness shown by black South Africans. Perhaps he is right, as the even
ts at Polokwane show a worrying trend and perhaps a deep rooted belief that things had not changed much, even from the days of the Nationalist Party - just a different colour!

The majority are
still the underdogs. The difference is that the minority in control are now no longer only white. We are told there is a black middle-class developing! For the first time a few months ago the majority in sales of new cars were no longer to whites but to this emerging economy. Does this emerging middle-class feel responsible for their brothers, who are living in severe poverty? The future of South Africa depends on this!

Sunday, 16 December 2007

Imperfect [im púrfikt] Philosophy [fi lóssafi]

  1. Philosophy the branch of knowledge or academic study devoted to the systematic examination of basic concepts such as truth, existence, reality, causality, and freedom. It is also described as calm resignation. A calmness and rationality in somebody's behaviour or response to events.
  2. Imperfect faulty or incomplete.